مكتبة الشهيد خالد الحسن

نتائج البحث عن:

اسم الكتاب المؤلف رمز التصنيف سنة النشر
After the Break Television Theory Today
Getting China and India right : strategies for leveraging the world fastest-growing economies for global advantage 658.049/G U P
Taking sides : clashing views on environmental issues 306.45/ T A K
Family 778.92/F A M
Developing management skills : what great managers know and do 658.407/B A L
Human geography : landscapes of human activities 304.2/F E L
Student atlas of world politics R/909.82/A L L
Organizational behavior : key concepts, skills & best practices 658.3/ K I N
The Challenge of Democracy :Government in America 321.80973/J A N
Graphics drawing workbook to accompany technical graphics communication and fundamentals of graphics communication 604.2/ B E R
Service management : operations, strategy, information technology 658 / F I T
Annual Editions: American Government 10/11 320.97305/A N N
Jerusalem : one city, three faiths 956.411/ A R M
Israel, Palestine and peace : Essays 320.95694/ O Z
Classic edition sources : sociology 301/C L A
Management 658/ R O B
Beckers world of the cell 571.6/ H A R
The Legal and regulatory environment of business 346.7307/T H E
Enjoying English. Book 3 808.042/ S A D
Enjoying English. Book 2 808.042/ S A D
Awaken the genius in your child 649.6/D E V
Aadhaar : a biometric history of India 12-digit revolution 323.4/ A I Y
India wars : a military history, 1947-1971 355.00954/ S U B
State and public policy 320.954/ S T A
ISRO : a personal history 509.2/ A R A
The Jordanian Policy Towards The Syrian Crisis 2011-2016 R/327.5650561/T H E
Harry Potter et le Prince de Sang-Mêlé 822.92/R O W
Macmillan contemporary dictionary R/423/M A C
10 steps in writing the research paper 001.4/ M A R
After the Break Television Theory Today
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