عرض (كتاب)
Israels Palestinians : the conflict within
رمز التصنيف | 305.899274/P E L |
المؤلف | Ilan Peleg Dov Waxman |
العنوان | Israels Palestinians : the conflict within |
بيانات النشر | New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011 |
الطبعة | No. Ed |
الوصف المادي | 261ص |
عدد النسخ | 1 |
المواضيع | |
المستخلص | |
أسماء أخرى | |
التصنيف | العلوم الاجتماعية |
رقم التسلسل | 23118 |
ISBN | 9780521157025 |
كتب ذات علاقة
- One year into self-government : perceptions of the Palestinian political elite
- Absolute prohibition : the torture and ill-treatment of Palestinian detainees
- Israeli-Palestinian interim agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip : Washington, D.C., September 28, 1995
- The future of the Israeli settlements in final status negotiations : a policy paper featuring recommendations for negotiations in the final status talks between Israel and the Palestinians
- The Question of Palestine
- Final status negotiations: economic & trade co-operation : a Palestinian perspective