Al Istiqlal Library


Growing up online : young people and digital technologies 025.0408342/G R O
Escape from freedom 323.44/F R O
Inherited spaces, inhabited places : World Heritage sites in India 915.404/I N H
Police officer stress awareness and management : a handbook for practitioners 363.2019/D A N
How to manage in the public sector 350/C H A
Communications policy : theories and issues 302.2/C O M
Public policy-making 320.2/A N D
Global energy markets : changes in the strategic landscape 333.9539/G L O
The days of abandonment F/F E R
Ordinary heroes & American democracy 973.099/P O M
Essentials of school education in the United Arab Emirates 370.95357/E S S
Global strategic developments : a futuristic vision 327.090512/G L O
New York : Prentice Hall Mathematics course 2 510/N E W
Discovering the western past : a look at the evidence 909.09821/W I E
Experience music! 781.17/C H A
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 analytics & data visualization 005.7565/H A R
The oil era : emerging challenges 338.27282/O I L
Employment law for business 344.7301/A L E
Energy security in the Gulf : challenges and prospects 333.790916535/E N E
Education in the UAE : current status and future developments 379.5357/E D U
An introduction to geological structures and maps 551.8/B E N
Global Norms: Creation, Diffusion, and Limits
Digital systems maintenance : Lab manual : Computer engineering diploma , digital logic lab manual 621.3916/D I G
Study guide for use with McConnell, Brue, and Flynn Microeconomics 338.5/W A L
Power and choice : an introduction to political science 320/S H I
Internet for English teaching 428.00285/W A R
Jazz 781.6509/T A N
How to master personality questionnaires 155.28/P A R
Taking sides. Clashing views on controversial environmental issues 363.7/T A K
The price of peace : incentives and international conflict prevention 327.172/P R I
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