Al Istiqlal Library


Children and media: a cultural studies approach1 David Buckingham
Cause and EÙect in Childhood Obesity: Solutions for a National Epidemic
Cartoons’ Effect in Changing Children Mental Response and Behavior
Building Learning Communities
?Children’s health or corporate wealth
Handbook of Children and the Media
Benefits of Connecting Children with Nature
Association of Family Environment with Children’s Television Viewing and with Low Level of Physical Activity
An Examination of Violence and Gender Role Portrayals in Video Games: Implications for Gender Socialization and Aggressive Behavior
Understanding childhood obesity
Alternatives to tv and Video Games For Your Elementary School Child
Already at a disadvantage? ICT in the home and children’s preparation for primary school
Sedentary Behaviors and Youth: Current Trends and the Impact on Health
Advertising to Children and Teens: Current Practices
Addressing Obesity in Children and Youth: Evidence to Guide Action for Ontario
A Review of the Effects of Violent Video Games on Children and Adolescents
Risk and Protective Factors of Child Delinquency
Advertising: A Case for Intersemiotic Translation
An Investigation of TV Advertisement Effects on Customers Purchasing and Their Satisfaction
Five Challenges for the Future of Media-Effects Research
Influences of Television Advertisement on Children’s Behavior: An Experences Base Study
Children and Video Games: Playing with Violence
Children and Watching TV, “Facts for Families,”
Teens, Social Media And Body Image:
Video Games as Digital Learning Resources: Implications for Teacher-Librarians and For Researchers
Children and New Media: Youth Media Participation. A Case Study of Egypt and Finland
Where did we come from? : the essential guide to human evolution 599.938/Z I M
Manage the media : (dont let the media manage you) 659.2/H O L
Highway of dreams : a critical view along the information superhighway 384/N O L
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