كان يا ما كان : حكايات شعبية من مدينة القدس |
رشدي الأشهب |
398.209564 / ا ش ه |
2001 |
Experience music! |
Katherine Charlton
Robert Hickok |
781.17/C H A |
2009 |
Employment law for business |
Dawn D Bennett Alexander
Laura P Hartman |
344.7301/A L E |
2009 |
802.11 Wirelss LAN fundamentals |
Roshan Pejman
Jonathan Leary |
004.68/R O S |
2004 |
الإدارة الإستراتيجية في المؤسسات غير الربحية |
شهاب الدين الأموي |
658.4 / ا م و |
2000 |
Study guide for use with McConnell, Brue, and Flynn Microeconomics |
William B Walstad |
338.5/W A L |
2009 |
اساليب التفكير وعلاقتها بالسمات السلوكية |
عبدالمحسن سلمان شلش السراج |
153.43 / س ر ا |
2009 |
محكمة أمن الدولة بين الضرورة والمشروعية |
343.015 / م ح ك |
2000 |
سين وجيم : قضايا معاصرة |
الحسن ابن طلال |
320.956 / ا ب ن |
2003 |
Internet for English teaching |
Mark Warschauer
Heidi Shetzer
Christine Meloni |
428.00285/W A R |
2000 |
Jazz |
Paul O Tanner
David W Megill
Maurice Gerow |
781.6509/T A N |
2009 |
How to master personality questionnaires |
Mark Parkinson |
155.28/P A R |
2000 |
The Geneva conventions of August 12, 1949 |
341.3/G E N |
2007 |
A laboratory course in C++ |
Nell Dale |
005.133/D A L |
2005 |
Japan s Middle East security policy : theory and cases |
Yukiko Miyagi |
355.033552/M I Y |
2008 |
العولمة : فرص ومخاطر |
السيد ياسين |
327.11 / ي ا س |
2000 |
Analysis for financial management |
Robert C Higgins |
658.151/H I G |
2009 |
Arguing through literature : a thematic anthology and guide |
Judith Ferster |
808.0668/F E R |
2005 |
Encyclopedia of world facts |
R/030/E N C |
2000 |
Applying anthropology : an introductory reader |
Aaron Podolefsky
Peter Brown
Scott M Lacy |
301/P O D |
2009 |
Christopher Gratien |
2008 |
Equipping Every Learner for the 21st Century |
Cisco |
2008 |
Communication in Crisis: Europe and the Media |
2009 |
eleven recommendation for improving election night television |
2004 |
Economics : principles, problems, and policies |
Campbell McConnell
Stanley L. Brue |
330/M C C |
2008 |
A Marketer’s Guide to Understanding the Economics of Digital Compared to Traditional Advertising and Media Services |
Joe Burton |
2009 |
I would have smiled : photographing the Palestinian refugee experience |
770.9564/W O U |
2009 |
Scientific research in the media |
2007 |
Combating terrorism : Saudi Arabia s role in the war on terror |
Ali S Awadh Asseri |
363.32517/A S S |
2009 |
Health education : elementary and middle school applications |
Susan K Telljohann
Cynthia w Symons
Beth Pateman |
372.370973/T E L |
2009 |