Software Architecture and Drsign illuminated |
Kai Qian
...other |
005.12 / S O F |
2010 |
Software Engineering & Testing: An Introduction + CD |
B.B Agarwal
S.P Tayal
M Gupta |
005.1 / A G A |
2010 |
Software Engineering & Testing: An Introduction + CD |
B.B Agarwal
S.P Tayal
M Gupta |
005.1 / A G A |
2010 |
Digital Electronics:For Diploma, Degree, Amie (SEC.B)& Various Electrical, Electroncs Examinations |
B.R Gupta
Vandana Singhal |
004 / G U P |
2008 |
C Programming for Scientists and Engineers with Applications |
Rama N Reddy
Carol A Ziegler |
005.133 / R E D |
2010 |
Java Web Development illuminated |
Kai Qian
Richard Allen
Mia Gan
Robert Brown |
005.133/ Q I A |
2007 |
Creating aweb page with flash: visual QuickProject Guide |
David Morris |
004.67 / M O R |
2005 |
Web-Based: Application Development +CD |
Ralph F Grove |
005.3 / G R O |
2010 |
Web-Based: Application Development +CD |
Ralph F Grove |
005.3 / G R O |
2010 |
Dictionary of Business |
P.H Collin |
R/ 658.03/ C O L |
2007 |
Algorithms, Language, Automata, And Compilers: A practical Approach + CD |
Maxim Mozgovoy |
511.3 / M O Z |
2010 |
Algorithms, Language, Automata, And Compilers: A practical Approach + CD |
Maxim Mozgovoy |
511.3 / M O Z |
2010 |
Returning to kafr Bir'im |
956.94/ R E T |
2006 |
Object_oriented system analysis and design |
Noushin Ashrafi
Hessam Ashrafi |
005.12 / A S H |
2009 |
Object_oriented system analysis and design |
Noushin Ashrafi
Hessam Ashrafi |
005.12 / A S H |
2009 |
Essentials of System Analysis and design |
Joseph S. Valacich
Joey F. George
Jeffrey A. Hoffer |
005.12 / V A L |
2009 |
Principles of human Resource Management |
Scott Snell
George Bohlandre |
351.1 / S N E |
2010 |
Public Management and Governance |
351 /P U B |
2009 |
Word 2007 Macros & VBA :made easy |
Gay Hart-Davis |
005.42 / H A R |
2009 |
HTML, XHTML& CSS Quicksteps |
Gay Hart-Davis |
005.4 / H A R |
2010 |
Principles of computer Networks and communications |
M. Barry Dumas
Morris Schwart |
004.6 / D U M |
2009 |
Digital communications |
Sanjay Sharma |
621.382 / S H A |
2008 |
The concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics |
R/ 320.03/ C O N |
2003 |
Windows 7 Quick steps |
Marty Matthews |
005.42 / M A T |
2010 |
Network Theory: As per JNTV core syllabus |
C.L Wadhwa |
004.65 / W A D |
2006 |
Sports Medicine just the fact |
617.1027 / S P O |
2005 |
Criminoloy: Asociological introduction |
Eamann Carrabine
Maggy Lee
Ken Plummer
Nigel south |
364/ C A R |
2009 |
Business data networks and Telecommunications |
Raymond R Panko |
650.8 / P A N |
2009 |
Schaum's outlines linear Algebra |
Seymour Lipschutz
Marc Lipson |
512.56 / C A L |
2009 |
Schaum's outline of Theory and Problems of Numerical analysis |
Francis Scheid |
519.4 / S C H |
1989 |