Al Istiqlal Library


Graphics drawing workbook to accompany technical graphics communication and fundamentals of graphics communication 604.2/ B E R
The computer : history, workings, uses & limitations 004/ G E R
Computer security 005.8/G o l
Microsoft office word 2010 :A skills Approach. Complete 005.5/M A N
Information Assurance For The Enterprise:A Road map To Information Security 005.8/S C H
International Computer Driving Licence:Syllabus 4 module 3-Word Processing Using Microsoft Word 2007 004/I N T
"IT Fundamentals and Computer Application "Vol1 004/L E Z
"IT Fundamentals and Computer Application "V2 004/L E Z
Accounting Application Using Spreadsheets-Microsoft Office Excel 657/A L T
Computer Fundamentals for foundation students 004/S A L
Microsoft Office Excel 2010:A Skills Approach Complete 005.54/M A N
Microsoft Excel 2010:Access Approach 005.54/O L E
comptia security+TM:study guide 004.65/D U L
Using information technology : apractical introdction to computers and communictions complete version 005.7 / W I L
Data Communicatiom and Networking 004.6/ F O R
System Modeling : Practical Approach Using Matlab :نمذجة النظم : تطبيق عملي باستخدام الماتلاب 621.39 / S Y S
Data Analysis Using Matlab 005.72 / D A T
Making software: what really works, and why we believe it 005.4 / M A K
Beginning share point 2010: building business solutions with share point 005.4 / P E R
Microsoft share point 2010: administrators companion + CD 005.4 / E N G
Operating system concepts with Java 005.42 / S I L
computer networks &communications 004.65 / T A M
cyber Warfare: Techniques, Tactics and tools for security Practitioners 355.343 / A N D
Intelligent system: principles, Paradigms, and Pragmatics 006.3 / S C H
Designing media + DVD 006.7 / M O G
operating system in depth 005.43 / D O E
how to design and write web pages today 005.3 / S T O
HTML 5: the missing manual: the book that should have been in the box 004.67 / M A C
office 2011 for macintosh: the missing manual: the book that should have been in the box 005.2 / G R O
creating awebsite: the missing manual: the book that should have been in the box 005.3/ M A C
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