Al Istiqlal Library


Understanding media theory 302.23/W I L
Essentials of media planning : a marketing viewpoint 659.111/B A R
How to do media & cultural studies 302.23072/S T O
The Impact Of The Media On American Democracy THI/302.2/T H E
Introduction To Mass Communication Media Literacy And Culture 302.23/B A R
Mediation skills :Training Program 158.12/M E D
Communication theories : origins, methods, and uses in the mass media 302.23/ S E V
Understanding Mass Communication : A Liberal Arts Perspective 302.23/ D E F
Its not news, its fark : how mass media tries to pass off crap as news 302.23/ C U R
violence and the mass media 301.16/ v i o
The medium is the massage 302.23/ m c l
Introduction to mass communication media Literacy and culture 302.2 / B A R
Designing media + DVD 006.7 / M O G
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