Beginning share point 2010: building business solutions with share point |
Amanda Perran
other |
005.4 / P E R |
2011 |
Microsoft share point 2010: administrators companion + CD |
bill English
Brian Alderman
Mark Ferraz |
005.4 / E N G |
2011 |
Operating system concepts with Java |
Abraham Silberschatz
Peter Baer Galvin
Greg Gagne |
005.42 / S I L |
2011 |
An Introduction to Policing |
John S. Dempsey
linda S. Forst |
351.74 / D E M |
2012 |
Criminal behavior: a Psychosocial approach |
curt R. bartol
Anne M Bartol |
364.3 / B A R |
2008 |
computer networks &communications |
Abedel fatah Aref Tamimi
Jamal M khalifeh |
004.65 / T A M |
2010 |
المرجع الشامل في برنامج التفكير CORT والبرنامج العلمي المتكامل لحل المشكلات ISPPS |
خير سليمان شواهين |
370.118 / ش و ا |
2010 |
cyber Warfare: Techniques, Tactics and tools for security Practitioners |
Jason Andress
Steve winterfeld |
355.343 / A N D |
2011 |
الطريقة السهلة والممتعه لتعلم اساسيات البرمجة: Microsoft visual basic. net نشرحها بلغة عربية واضحة |
محمد جمال منيب |
005.4 / م ن ي |
2011 |
climate change as a security risk |
333.95 / C L I |
2009 |
Turning point: the arab worlds marginalization and international security after 9/11 |
dan Tschirgi |
355.03 / T S C |
2007 |
Television Personalities: stardom and the small screen |
James bennett |
791.45 / B E N |
2011 |
A Behavioral theory of elections |
Jonthan Bendor
daniel Diermier
other |
324.9001 / B E H |
2011 |
Philosophy of Social science: the philosophical foundations of social thought |
Ted benton
Ian Craib |
300.1 / B E N |
2011 |
child Development in practice: Responsive teaching and learning from birth to five |
Pamela May |
372.21 / M A Y |
2011 |
Syrias kurds: history , politics and society |
Jordi Tegel |
956.1 / T E J |
2011 |
Intelligent system: principles, Paradigms, and Pragmatics |
Robert J schalkoff |
006.3 / S C H |
2011 |
Designing media + DVD |
bill Moggridge |
006.7 / M O G |
2010 |
operating system in depth |
Thomas W. Doeppner |
005.43 / D O E |
2011 |
the arab spring: rebellion, revolution, and anew world order |
320.9 / A R A |
2012 |
you cant hide the sun: a journey through Israel and Palistine |
John McCarthy |
956.94 / M C C |
2012 |
Israel and Palistine: Reappraisals, Revisions, refutations |
Avi shlaim |
956.94 / S H L |
2010 |
The concise Science encyclopedia |
R / 503 / C O N |
2001 |
The concise childrens encyclopedia |
R / 030 / C O N |
2001 |
Police Administration |
Gary cordner
kathryn E. scarborough |
351.74 / C O R |
2010 |
Creative community planning |
wendy Sarkissian
Dinna hurford
christine Wenman |
307.1 / S A R |
2010 |
educational Psychology |
370.15 / E D U |
2010 |
Human resource information systems: Basic, Applications, and future directions |
Michael Kavanagh
Mohan Thite |
658.3 / K A V |
2009 |
health psychology: theory, research and practice |
David F. marks
Michael Murray
Brian Evans
Emee Vida Estacio |
158 / H E A |
2011 |
how to design and write web pages today |
karl stolley |
005.3 / S T O |
2011 |