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The effects of mass communication |
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الصفحة الأولى في الصحافة الإماراتية : دراسة وصفية مقارنة |
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Ground to a halt : denial of Palestinians freedom of movement in the West Bank |
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Political science, : an introduction |
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تاثير الاجتياح الاسرائيلي على الوضع الاقتصادي للمراه الفلسطينيه في الضفه الغربية: دراسه حاله / المشاريع الصغيرة المقترضة |
خميس الشلبي
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Final status negotiations: economic & trade co-operation : a Palestinian perspective |
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Increasing Environment Awareness in Israel and Palestine |
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فلسطينيو سورية : جحيم الاقتلاع وسيناريوهات المستقبل |
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حرب النقود والعملات |
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Whats the point of revolution if we cant dance? |
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Contemporary public administration |
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The media of mass communication |
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Communication : theories and applications |
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Al Quds : The City Of God |
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Structural balancing : a clinical approach |
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United Nations peacekeeping : documents and commentary |
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