Al Istiqlal Library

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Book Name Author Classification code Publish Year
language USE 428 / H U S
literature (1) 820 / H O M
literature (2) 820 / H O M
Writing ) 2) 421.107 / M A T
Writing )1) 421.107 / M A T
An Atlas of Palestine (the west bank and Gaza) R/ 912.5694 / A T L
Manageing information system strategy and Organasation 658.403 / B O D
lienear Integrated Circuots 621.04 / B A L
Managing Information Technology 004/M A N
Computer Security:Protecting Digital Resources 005.8/ N E W
Software Architecture and Drsign illuminated 005.12 / S O F
The Javascript Programming Language 005.2 / T O A
The Javascript Programming Language 005.2 / T O A
Cyber Law Maximizing Safely and Minimizing Risk in classrooms 343.73 / B I S
Cyber Law Maximizing Safely and Minimizing Risk in classrooms 343.73 / B I S
Building an Intelligent Web:Theory and Practice + CD 006.3 / A K E
Software Architecture and Drsign illuminated 005.12 / S O F
Software Engineering & Testing: An Introduction + CD 005.1 / A G A
Software Engineering & Testing: An Introduction + CD 005.1 / A G A
Digital Electronics:For Diploma, Degree, Amie (SEC.B)& Various Electrical, Electroncs Examinations 004 / G U P
C Programming for Scientists and Engineers with Applications 005.133 / R E D
Java Web Development illuminated 005.133/ Q I A
Creating aweb page with flash: visual QuickProject Guide 004.67 / M O R
Web-Based: Application Development +CD 005.3 / G R O
Web-Based: Application Development +CD 005.3 / G R O
Dictionary of Business R/ 658.03/ C O L
Algorithms, Language, Automata, And Compilers: A practical Approach + CD 511.3 / M O Z
Algorithms, Language, Automata, And Compilers: A practical Approach + CD 511.3 / M O Z
Returning to kafr Bir'im 956.94/ R E T
Managing Power and People 658.31 / S R P
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