Global Program management |
Paula Wagher
Bruce T Barkley |
658.403 / W A G |
2010 |
Turbulent Times in Palestine: the Diaries of Khalil Totah 1886-1955 |
Thomas M Ricks |
956.94 / R I C |
2009 |
American foreign Policy & The muslim World |
Ishtiaq Hossain
Mohsen Mohd Saleh |
327.956 / H O S |
2009 |
Developmental Psychology : childhood and Adolescence |
David R. Shaffer
Katherine Kipp |
155 / S H A |
2010 |
Psychology and Contemporary life: Human adjustment |
Wayne Weiten
Elizabeth yost Hammer
Dana S Dunn |
150 / W E I |
2012 |
Sociology |
Richard T Schaefer |
301 / S C H |
2010 |
Jerusalem 1948: The Arab neighbourhoods and their fate in the war |
956.94 / J E R |
Approaching Democacy |
larry Berman
Bruce Allen Murphy |
320.473 / B E R |
2011 |
Management Information systems |
James A. OBrien
George M. Maraks |
658.403 / O B R |
2007 |
An Introduction to Policing |
John S. Dempsey
linda S. Forst |
351.74 / D E M |
2012 |
Contemporary management |
Gareth R. Jones
Jennifer M. Geogrge |
658 / J O N |
2008 |
Criminal behavior: a Psychosocial approach |
curt R. bartol
Anne M Bartol |
364.3 / B A R |
2008 |
تاريخ الانسان: حتى ظهور المدنيات " دراسة في الانثروبولوجيا الفيزيقية والثقافية" |
اسامة عبد الرحمن النور
ابوبكر يوسف شلابي |
304.2 / ن و ر |
1995 |
Comparative public budgeting; A global PerPective |
Charles Menifield (editor) |
352.1 / C O M |
basic grammar and usage |
penelopa Choy
dorothy goldbart clark |
415 / C H O |
2011 |
climate change as a security risk |
333.95 / C L I |
2009 |
Turning point: the arab worlds marginalization and international security after 9/11 |
dan Tschirgi |
355.03 / T S C |
2007 |
Philosophy of Social science: the philosophical foundations of social thought |
Ted benton
Ian Craib |
300.1 / B E N |
2011 |
Intelligent system: principles, Paradigms, and Pragmatics |
Robert J schalkoff |
006.3 / S C H |
2011 |
the arab spring: rebellion, revolution, and anew world order |
320.9 / A R A |
2012 |
you cant hide the sun: a journey through Israel and Palistine |
John McCarthy |
956.94 / M C C |
2012 |
Creative community planning |
wendy Sarkissian
Dinna hurford
christine Wenman |
307.1 / S A R |
2010 |
1948 A histiry of the first Arab - Israeli war |
Benny Morris |
956.94 / M O R |
2008 |
Human resource information systems: Basic, Applications, and future directions |
Michael Kavanagh
Mohan Thite |
658.3 / K A V |
2009 |
health psychology: theory, research and practice |
David F. marks
Michael Murray
Brian Evans
Emee Vida Estacio |
158 / H E A |
2011 |
Share point 2010: development with visual studio 2010 |
Eric Carter
Boris Scholl
Peter jausovec |
006.7 / C A R |
2011 |
الموسوعة الاسلامية (السيرة المحمدية) (حروب النبي (ص) وغزواته): ج7 |
زكي الدين المصري |
210.9 / م ص ر |
2009 |
الموسوعة الاسلامية (السيرة المحمدية) (تاريخ معاوية بن ابي سفيان ): ج24 |
زكي الدين المصري |
210.9 / م ص ر |
2009 |
الموسوعة الاسلامية (السيرة المحمدية) (تاريخ طلعة والزبير): ج25 |
زكي الدين المصري |
210.9 / م ص ر |
2009 |
الموسوعة الاسلامية (السيرة المحمدية) (تاريخ ابو بكر الصديق): ج16 |
زكي الدين المصري |
210.9 / م ص ر |
2009 |