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Book Name Author Classification code Publish Year
zumbergers laboratory manual for:physicsl geology 551.028/r r t
key research of study skill in psychology 153.15/m c g
making connection: an interactive approach to academic reading 428/P A K
working papers for fundamental accounting principles volume1-chapter1-12 657/w i l
principle of microeconomics 338.5/m i l
an autobiography or the story of my experiments with truth 954.03092/g a n
satygraha in south africa 923.2/g a n
principles of ivf laboratory practice 612.63/p r i
who shared the fruits of graoth in the palestinian economy,2005-1010? 330.9564/l a r
study guide for use with sociology 301/S C H
introduction to criminal justice 364.973/b o h
prentice hall:writing and grammar 425/t e n
prentice mall writing and grammar 425/p r e
Taking sides: clashing views on legal issues 340.1/T A K
discover shanghai:beaty of skill road 951/d i s
the research process:acomplete guide and reference for writers 001.42/m a n
diplomacies and conflict restulion in the middle east 327.170956/d i p
Principles Of Macro-Economics 339/F R A
prentice hall:writing and grammar 425/p r e
student solutions manual for buisness statistics in practice 657.4/b o w
the third wave 303.4/t o f
cambridge learners dictionary 423/c a m
an introduction to language 420/f r o
Global studies: Russia and the near abroad 320.947/L O F
jenin massacre againts humanity 956.4212/ j e n
sons and lovers 823.8/L A W
the coral island 823.8/B A L
footsteps F/G H A
this side of peace:a personal account 956.94/ A S H
developing skills:an integrated course for intermediate students 428.2/A L E
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