A manual for writers of term papers, theses, and dissertations |
Kate Turabian |
378.242/T U R |
1973 |
Creative visualization : use the power of your imagination to create what you want in your life |
Shakti Gawain |
158.1/G A W |
1995 |
Understanding media ethics |
David Sanford Horner |
302.2/H O R |
2015 |
The popular arts : a critical reader |
Irving Deer
Harriet Deer |
700.973/D E E |
1967 |
The health promoting school: international advances in theory, evaluation and practice |
2005 |
Islam in the modern world |
Hassan Hanafi |
210/H A N |
1995 |
Digital and Media Literacy: A Plan of Action |
Renee Hobbs |
2010 |
Media culture |
James Monaco |
302.2/M O N |
1978 |
Communication research : a half-century appraisal |
302.2/C O M |
1977 |
Digital Communication Impact |
2014 |
Deception detection : an educator s guide to the art of insight |
Jeffrey Schrank |
659.107/S C H |
1975 |
Television and children : a special medium for a special audience |
Aimee Dorr |
791.45013/D O R |
1986 |
Dictionary of Media and Communications |
Marcel Danesi |
2009 |
Shreesthi S. Mishra
Media Academician |
2017 |
Developing Minds with Digital Media: Habits of Mind in the YouTube Era |
Margaret Weigel
Katie Heikkinen |
2007 |
What every kid should know |
Jonah Kalb
David Viscott |
170.20222/K A L |
1974 |
Understanding media theory |
Kevin Williams |
302.23/W I L |
2003 |
Guests of the Sheik : an ethnography of an Iraqi village |
Elizabeth Warnock Fernea |
306.095675/F E R |
1969 |
The making of a counter culture : reflections on the technocratic society and its youthful opposition |
Theodore Roszak |
309/R O S |
1969 |
Developing strategic international partnerships : models for initiating and sustaining innovative institutional linkages |
378.104/D E V |
2011 |
Crisis Communications Handbook |
2008 |
On the go : sentence to paragraph |
Richard Bailey
Linda Denstaedt |
808.042076/B A L |
2010 |
A short guide to writing about literature |
Sylvan Barnet |
808.0668/B A R |
1975 |
Research methods in psychology |
John J Shaughnessy
Eugene B Zechmeister
Jeanne S Zechmeister |
150.72/S H A |
2000 |
Your adolescent : emotional, behavioral, and cognitive development from early adolescence through the teen years |
155.5/Y O U |
1999 |
Death is a lonely business |
Ray Bradbury |
F/ B R A |
1986 |
Subliminal seduction : ad media s manipulation of a not so innocent America |
Wilson Bryan Key |
659.10973/K E Y |
1973 |
Who did what : illustrated biographical dictionary |
R/920.003/W H O |
1985 |
Authors and authority : English and American criticism, 1750-1990 |
Patrick Parrinder |
801.950941/P A R |
1991 |
Concepts in Social Thought : Postmodernity |
David Lyon |
303.4/L Y O |
2002 |