Taking sides : Clashing views in abnormal psychology |
616.89/T A K |
2011 |
The statistical imagination : elementary statistics for the social sciences |
Ferris J Ritchey |
519.5/R I T |
2008 |
Business : connecting principles to practice |
William G Nickels
James M Mchugh
Susan M Mchugh |
658/N I C |
2012 |
Writing and grammar : communication in action. Copper level |
808.042/W R I |
2004 |
Niebels methods, standards, and work design |
Andris Freivalds
Benjamin Niebel |
658.54/F R E |
2009 |
Computing concepts : complete edition |
Stephan Haag
Maeve cummings
Alan I Rea |
004/H A A |
2004 |
Issues in economics today |
Robert C Guell |
330/G U E |
2012 |
Microsoft Office : A Skills Approach |
cheri Manning
catherine manning Swinson |
005.5/M A N |
2012 |
The audience, the message, the speaker |
John Hasling |
808.51/H A S |
2010 |
The discovery of society |
Randall Collins |
301.09/C O L |
2010 |
The psychology of judgment and decision making |
Scott Plous |
153.83/P L O |
1993 |
The Prentice Hall research companion |
808.02/P R E |
2011 |
Prentice Hall : Georgia Earth Science |
Edward J Tarbuck
Frederick Lutgens |
550/T A R |
2009 |
Official Journal of the European Communities Debates of the European Parliament: |
1999 |
SOCIAL MEDIA a literature review and research directions IN HIGHER EDUCATION |
Charles H.F. Davis III
Regina Deil-Amen
Cecilia Rios-Aguilar
Manuel Sacramento Gonzalez Canch |
The purpose-guided student : dream to succeed |
Jerry A Pattengale |
378.198/P A T |
2010 |
Proactive Transparency: The future of the right to information? A review of standards, challenges, and opportunities |
Helen Darbishire |
Prentice Hall world history connections to today |
Elisabeth Gaynor Ellis
Anthony Esler |
909/ E L L |
2005 |
Chemistry : the physical setting |
Patrick Kavanah |
541.3/K A V |
2012 |
THr Pourrcs oF Cnenecmn AND THE crnnecrER oF |ounNnusm |
ludith lichtenberg |
1989 |
Chemistry : the physical setting |
Patrick Kavanah |
541.3/K A V |
2010 |
Earth science: the physical setting |
Jeffrey C Callister |
550/C A L |
2010 |
Prentice Hall Mathematics : Geometry |
Laurie E Bass
...(et al) |
516/P R E |
2007 |
Prentice Hall History of Our World |
909/P R E |
2005 |
Politics among nations : the struggle for power and peace |
Hans J Morgenthau |
327/M O R |
2006 |
Literature : New Jersey Language and Literacy |
808.0668/L I T |
2010 |
Prayer |
M.K Gandhi |
294.543/G A N |
2002 |
Civics and economics |
James E Davis
Phyllis Fernlund
Peter Woll |
320.4/D A V |
2009 |
Political Science |
320/P O L |
1969 |
Prentice Hall brief review for New York regents exam physics : The physical setting |
Bernadine Hladik Cook |
530/C O O |
2012 |