Anthropology : the exploration of human diversity 301/K O T
Sociology 301/S C H
Essentials of business driven information systems 658.403801/B A L
Mass media in a changing world : history, industry, controversy 302.23/R O D
Targeted Civilians 341.69/T A R
The age of unreason 658.406/H A N
Blinding weapons : reports of the meetings of experts convened by the International Committee of the Red Cross on Battlefield Laser Weapons 1989-1991 358.39/B L I
After the fact : the art of historical detection 973.072/D A V
Chinese calligraphy 745.619951/T I N
The adventures of Huckleberry Finn 823.4/T W A
Managerial accounting 658.1511/H I L
Gregg college keyboarding & document processing 652.5/O B E
Hole s human anatomy & physiology : laboratory manual 612/M A R
Phone skills for the Information Age 651.73/M A X
Marketing 658.8/G R E
Information systems 658.4038011/B A L
Dynamics of mass communication : media in transition 302.23/D O M
A Glossary for Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health
Evolution of Diffusion and Dissemination Theory
Evolution of behavior predicting the adoption of innovations
Diffusing scientific knowledge to innovative experts
Modern systems analysis and design 658.4038001/H O F
Economic botany : plants in our world 581.61/S I M
Case studies for use with computers in the medical office 651.9610285/S A N
Robotics 629.892/K U T
Prentice Hall World History : Michigan 909/E L L
Prentice Hall World History : Pennsylvania 909/E L L
Music : an appreciation 780/K A M
Beyond survival : how to thrive in middle and high school for beginning and improving teachers 373.1102/R U B
The art of motivating students for mathematics instruction 510.712/P O S
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