The Geneva conventions of August 12, 1949 |
341.3/G E N |
2007 |
A laboratory course in C++ |
Nell Dale |
005.133/D A L |
2005 |
Marketing 10/11 |
658.8343/M A R |
2011 |
70 Years Of Commitment To Development From The Caisse Centrale To The AFD |
361.944/Y E A |
2011 |
Child growth and development 10/11 |
649.1/C H I |
2010 |
Violence and terrorism 10/11 |
303.625/V I O |
2010 |
Outline of American literature |
Kathryn VanSpanckeren |
820.9/V A N |
1994 |
Analysis for financial management |
Robert C Higgins |
658.151/H I G |
2009 |
Arguing through literature : a thematic anthology and guide |
Judith Ferster |
808.0668/F E R |
2005 |
Encyclopedia of world facts |
R/030/E N C |
2000 |
Applying anthropology : an introductory reader |
Aaron Podolefsky
Peter Brown
Scott M Lacy |
301/P O D |
2009 |
The Benefits of Social Networking Services |
Philippa Collin
Kitty Rahilly
Ingrid Richardson
Amanda Third |
Christopher Gratien |
2008 |
The Crisis of Contemporary Arab Television: Has the Move towards Transnationalism and Privatization in Arab Television Affected Democratization and Social Development in the Arab World? |
Ouidyane Elouardaoui |
2013 |
Communication in Crisis: Europe and the Media |
2009 |
Dynamic business law : the essentials |
Nancy Kubasek
...(et al) |
346.7307/D Y N |
2010 |
Economics : principles, problems, and policies |
Campbell McConnell
Stanley L. Brue |
330/M C C |
2008 |
A Marketer’s Guide to Understanding the Economics of Digital Compared to Traditional Advertising and Media Services |
Joe Burton |
2009 |
I would have smiled : photographing the Palestinian refugee experience |
770.9564/W O U |
2009 |
Scientific research in the media |
2007 |
Health education : elementary and middle school applications |
Susan K Telljohann
Cynthia w Symons
Beth Pateman |
372.370973/T E L |
2009 |
Dying, death, and bereavement 11/12 |
306.9/D Y I |
2011 |
Carol Vordermans guide to the Internet |
Carol Vorderman
Rob Young |
004.678/V O R |
2000 |
Mass media in a changing world : history, industry, controversy |
George Rodman |
302.23/R O D |
2011 |
Early childhood transitions research: A review of concepts, theory, and practice |
Pia Vogler
Gina Crivello
Martin Woodhead |
2008 |
Todays moral issues : classic and contemporary perspectives |
Daniel Bonevac |
170/B O N |
2010 |
Now and then : current issues in historical context |
Judith A Stanford |
808.0427/S T A |
2006 |
Literature review on the impact of playing violent video games on aggression |
2010 |
Annual editions : nutrition 11/12 |
613.2/A N N |
2012 |
The sun king : a novel |
David Ignatius |
F/ I G N |
1999 |