Al Istiqlal Library

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Book Name Author Classification code Publish Year
A Behavioral theory of elections 324.9001 / B E H
Philosophy of Social science: the philosophical foundations of social thought 300.1 / B E N
child Development in practice: Responsive teaching and learning from birth to five 372.21 / M A Y
Syrias kurds: history , politics and society 956.1 / T E J
Intelligent system: principles, Paradigms, and Pragmatics 006.3 / S C H
Designing media + DVD 006.7 / M O G
operating system in depth 005.43 / D O E
من روائع العريفي 210.1 / ع ر ي
the arab spring: rebellion, revolution, and anew world order 320.9 / A R A
you cant hide the sun: a journey through Israel and Palistine 956.94 / M C C
Israel and Palistine: Reappraisals, Revisions, refutations 956.94 / S H L
The concise Science encyclopedia R / 503 / C O N
The concise childrens encyclopedia R / 030 / C O N
Police Administration 351.74 / C O R
Creative community planning 307.1 / S A R
1948 A histiry of the first Arab - Israeli war 956.94 / M O R
educational Psychology 370.15 / E D U
Human resource information systems: Basic, Applications, and future directions 658.3 / K A V
health psychology: theory, research and practice 158 / H E A
how to design and write web pages today 005.3 / S T O
HTML 5: the missing manual: the book that should have been in the box 004.67 / M A C
Visual research methods in the social sciences: awakening visions 300.72 / S P E
office 2011 for macintosh: the missing manual: the book that should have been in the box 005.2 / G R O
creating awebsite: the missing manual: the book that should have been in the box 005.3/ M A C
Social and behavioral research and the internet: advances in applied methods and research stratgies 300.72 / S O C
3D Art essentials: the fundamentals of 3D modeling, texturing, and animation 006.6 / C H O
Share point 2010: development with visual studio 2010 006.7 / C A R
The graphic communication handbook 741.6023 / D O W
برنامج مهارات التفكير في التفكير MCS: مفاهيم- نظريات- تطبيقات 351.15/ م ص ر
طرائق التدريس الفعال 371.3 / ط ر ا
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