Al Istiqlal Library

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Book Name Author Classification code Publish Year
Archaeology : discovering our past 930.1/S H A
Administration in the public sector 350/G O R
إيليا الحب ق / ن و ن
The study of society 301/S T U
بسمة مناضل ق / ق د و
Student solutions guide to accompany discrete mathematics and its applications 512/R O S
Literature : craft and voice 800/D E L
روايات جميل السلحوت " كما يراها النقاد " 813.09 / س م ا
From Sarajevo to Hiroshima : history of the International Committee of the Red Cross 361.77/D U R
Disarmament: negotiations and treaties, 1946-1971 341.73/D I S
حوارات للمسافرين في الفرنسية 440 / ح و ا
Campaigning for hearts and minds : how emotional appeals in political ads work 324.73/B R A
أسرار التكرار في سورة البقرة 211.7 / ع و ي
Operating systems : internals and design principles 005.43/S T A
Ruling Palestine : a history of the legally sanctioned Jewish-Israeli seizure of land and housing in Palestine 325.3/R U L
هذا هو أبي : قصة قائد ووطن : احمد علي العيساوي ( ابو طارق ) 923.6 / ع ي س
Survey of Palestine Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons 325.21/S U R
Sound ideas 808.0427/K R A
الحائط : رواية ق / ط م ي
لطائف من البيان وشذرات من علم الصرف والنحو , وما شاع من الأخطاء 415 / ع و ي
Irene Eyes : Prevention ,Treatment and Fighting Aids the First-hand Experience of Italian NGO 616.9792/I R E
Evaluating the Impact of Social Media on Traditional Marketing
Forensics demystified 363.25/F I S
صاحب الظل السمين ق / س ه ي
Workshop manual (for engineering students) 670.423/S I G
وتكلمت إلياحورية : الإلياحوريات 814 / و ت ك
Protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict : report on the Meeting of Experts (Geneva, 5-6 October 2000) 341.7677/D U T
Committees or other national bodies for international humanitarian law : report of the meeting of experts, Geneva, 23-25 October 1996 341.67/C O M
دموع يذرفها الحنين : شعر 811.9 / ه ر ش
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