ادارة الأسعار في الأسواق التقليدية والإلكترونية وأسواق المياه |
يوسف ابو فارة |
658.8 / ا ب و |
2010 |
جماليات الفن التشكيلي في الخطاب الأدبي الشعري والسردي في العصر الحديث |
مريم غسان ياسين |
810.9 / ي ا س |
2022 |
proceedings of the 2003 International Arab Conference on Information Technoloyg |
004 / P R O |
2003 |
Android Programming Pushing the Limits |
Erik Hellman |
005.2 / H E L |
2014 |
Linux administration : a beginners guide |
Wale Soyinka |
005.43 / S O Y |
2014 |
Programming in Visual Basic Version 6.0 |
Julia Case Bradley
Anita C Millspaugh |
005.2 / B R A |
2012 |
Computer Fundamentals: Concepts, Systems and Applications |
Pradeep Sinha
priti Sinha |
004 / S I N |
2011 |
Linux Device Drivers |
Jonathan Corbet
Alessandro Rubini
Greg kroah Hartman |
005.43 / C O R |
2005 |
Mobile and Wireless Design Essentials |
Martyn Mallick |
621.38 / M A L |
2014 |
ADO.NET: The complete reference |
Michael Otey
Denielle Otey |
005.133 / O T E |
2009 |
Professional C# 5.0 and. net 4.5.1 |
Christian...et al Nagel |
005.133 / P R O |
2014 |
iPhone and iPad App: 24_ Hour Trainer |
Abhishek Mishra
Gene Backlin |
004.16 / M I S |
2012 |
Project Management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling |
Harold Kerzner |
658.4 / K E R |
2004 |
Lean six sigma for dummies |
John Morgan
martin brenig Jones |
658.4 / M O R |
2014 |
Perl: The Complete Reference Second Edition |
Martin C Brown |
005.133 / B R O |
2014 |
Linux: The Complete Reference, Sixth Edition |
Richard Petersen |
005.43 / P E T |
2015 |
X M L in easy steps |
Mike Mcgrath |
005.1 / M C G |
2012 |
Fundamentals of database management systems |
Mark L Gillenson |
005.74 / G I L |
2013 |
The Certified Six Sigma Green belt Handbook |
Roderick a ....et al MUNRO |
658.4 / C E R |
2015 |
Java 6 and J2EE 1.5 (Java EE5) |
005.133 / J A V |
2015 |
++Data structures using C and C |
Yedidyah Langsam
Moshe J Augenstein
Aaron M Tenenbaum |
005.7 / L A N |
1996 |
Database systems using Oracle : a simplified guide to SQL and PL/SQL |
Nilesh Shah |
005.75 / S H A |
2005 |
Red Hat Linux Networking and system Administration |
Terry Collings
Terry Wall |
005.43 / C O L |
2015 |
++Obgect Oriented Programming with C |
E Balagurusamy |
005.133 / B A L |
2013 |
software testing consepts and tools (winRunner, QTP, LoadRunner, and TestDirector) |
Nageswara Rao Pusuluri |
005.13 / P U S |
2015 |
Android Application Development (with KitKat Support) |
Pradeep Kothari |
005.2 / K O T |
2015 |
Pankaj Jaiote |
005.3 / J A I |
2005 |
Software requirements and Estimation |
Swapna Kishore
Rajesh Naik |
005.1 / K I S |
2014 |
SQL, PL/SQL the Programming Language of Oracle |
Ivan Bayross |
005.133 / B A Y |
2015 |
Software quality engineering : Testing, quality assurance, and quantifiable improvement |
Jeff Tian |
005 / T I A |
2014 |