Al Istiqlal Library


The Triple Conspiracy 914.7504/Q U A
Designs for persuasive communication 301.14/L E R
The press and foreign policy 070.1/C O H
Subliminal seduction : ad media s manipulation of a not so innocent America 659.10973/K E Y
Earth science: North Carolina Earth/Environment Science 550/T A R
Physical science : concepts in action 530/W Y S
Writing and grammar : communication in action. Silver level 808.042/W R I
An introduction to theories of learning 370.1523/H E R
A short guide to writing about art 808.0667/B A R
The politics of global economic relations 337/B L A
The Challenge of Democracy :Government in America 321.80973/J A N
prentice hall:writing and grammar 425/p r e
Prentice Hall Literature:Readers Note-Book:Grade 8 808.042/P R E
Connected Mathematics2:Variables And patterns Stretching and Shrinking,Comparing and scaling 510/C O N
Prentice Hall Texas Writing Coach:All-In-One Workbook:Grade6 411/P E R
Prentice hall Literature:Missouri:All-In-One:Workbook:The British Tradition 820/P E R
Pearson Literature Michigan:All-In-One:Workbook the British tradition 820/P E R
"IT Fundamentals and Computer Application "Vol1 004/L E Z
"IT Fundamentals and Computer Application "V2 004/L E Z
Prentice Hall:Biology All-In-one Study Guide 574/P R E
Prentice Hall:Science Explorer:Physical Science:Virginia Standard of learning handbook 500.2/P R E
Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar Communication In Action:Copper Level 411/P R E
Accounting Information System 657/R O M
Prentice Hall Mathematics :Algebra2:Practice Work Book 512/P R E
Laboratory Manual B: Prentice Hall Biology 574.4/ L A B
Prentice Hall Biology: Virginia Biology,Standardsof Learning Handbook 574/ L E V
Technical Drawing 604.2/ TEC
Check- In Check- Out: Managing Hotel Operations 647.9 / V A L
modren system analysis and design 658.403 / H O F
Effictive Small Business Management An Entrepreneurial Approach 658 / S C A
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